Support the Rebel Alliance with a cause… a Quest for Solutions!

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“Help me Donater-Can-u-be?, you’re my only hope…!” – Princess Plugin

Gift of Appreciation for:

Note you can log a feature request and/or other note in the process.

To send a thankyou or testimonial, use the following form. (Please remember to include the name of the plugin or theme if relevant.)


All plugins will have their own GitHub repository as they are released, so you can contribute directly to plugin development by forking a plugin and doing a pull request on GitHub. (Some plugins will also become available on the WordPress.Org repository as time permits.) The GitHub link for each plugin will be listed here as they are released (and on each respective plugin info page.)

ReleasedPlugin NameVersionGitHub Repository
4th Oct 2016BioShip Theme2.2.3majick777/bioship
6th Dec 2016Content Sidebars1.6.7majick777/content-sidebars
13th Dec 2016AutoSave Net1.3.4majick777/autosave-net
22nd Feb 2017WP BugBot1.8.0majick777/wp-bugbot
3rd Mar 2021ForceField1.0.8majick777/forcefield
19th Jul 2021Teleporter1.0.6majick777/teleporter

You can also log bugs and features, and answer others questions via the Solution Quests Plugin Support category. There is a subcategory available there for each individual plugin.