Integrate and streamline your entire Visitor Signup/Subscription/Registration and Confirmation Process into a single Funnel!
The all-in-one solution for converting visitors into registrations, members and subscribers. Single signup and once-off verification integrates the entire process of:
- creating and verifying a new Wordpress user
- subscribing to your mailing list and/or autoresponder
- subscribing to your latest blog posts by email
- creating a free membership and/or affiliate account
Visitor Vortex is the penultimate solution for user registrations, memberships, subscriptions and followup mailing. By integrating an otherwise complex process of multiple submissions and confirmations for different plugins and features all in the one place, your visitor experiences a simple streamlined process and you are given a variety of options to keep in touch with them.
Streamlined Signup Process
- Single Name and Email Signup
- Single Click Email Confirmation
- Custom Redirection upon Signup and Confirmation
Streamlined Wordpress User Creation
- Signup Creates Unverified Wordpress User Account
- Confirmation Verifies Wordpress User Account
- Standard Registrations are Pushed through Vortex
- Wordpress Username Availability Checker
- Allow Once-off Username Change (within x days)
Streamlined AutoLogin Process
- Automatic Login of Unverified User on Signup
- Automatic Login of User on Verification
- Single Click Signup/Login for Social Networks (via integration with [OneAll Social Plugin])
Backward Compatibility Verification Integration for Register Plus Redux, Pie Register and Theme My Login (old user verification links still work if changing from these plugins.)
Customizable Emails with Replacement Tags
- Custom Confirmation Email for New Signups
- Custom Reminder Email (after x days unverified)
- Custom Login Details Email (resends on email/username change)
AutoSubmit Signup to an Extra Form
Submit signups to another HTML form, for use with ANY Mailing List software or service, or Autoresponder software or service, or other database recording. Easily map standard signup values to any other form inputs.
Custom Shortcodes
- Visitor Vortex Signup Form Widget
- Logged In / Logged Out Content Protection Shortcode
- Verified / Unverified Content Protection Shortcode
- Verification Reminder Shortcode upon Signup
- Integrated Subscription Management Shortcode
Extra Features
- Grace Period for Deletion of Unverified Accounts
- Define a Test User Email for Easy Repeat Testing
- Block New User/Lost Password Notifications Emails
- Remove Unwanted Contact Fields from User Profile
Bonus Integration Modules!
Automatically add subscribers upon signup or confirmation to the following popular plugins, removing the hassle from visitors having to confirm multiple subscriptions, and allowing you to keep in contact with your visitors in multiple ways.
Contact Users * [Email Users 2] - Admin Contact Users by Email
Newsletter/Autoresponder * [WP Infinity Responder] - the unlimited free autoresponder/newsletter (+optionally add to a secondary responder list for list segmentation)
eCommerce Plugin Integrations * [WP eMember] - Automatically Create a Free Membership Account * [WP Affiliate Platform] - Automatically Create an Affiliate Account (plus optionally autologin affiliate on Wordpress user login)
What are the Shortcodes for Visitor Vortex?
Main Signup Form Shortcode
[visitor-vortex-form] - Outputs the main Visitor Vortex signup form
optional arguments are available that can be passed to override defaults:
signupreturn - redirect after signup URL (%origin%
returns to signup URL)
confirmreturn - redirect after confirm URL (%origin%
returns to signup URL)
buttontext - submit button text (default is 'Join Now')
buttonimage - submit button image URL (overrides text)
source - specify a form location to be tracked eg. footerwidget
Integration Module Arguments
mailchimpid - define an additional MailChimp List ID
infrespid - define an additional Infinity Responder ID
Content Protection Shortcodes
[loggedin]CONTENT[/loggedin] - CONTENT shows only for logged in users
[loggedout]CONTENT[/loggedout] - CONTENT shows only for logged out users
[verified]CONTENT[/verified] - CONTENT shows only for verified users
[unverified]CONTENT[/unverified] - CONTENT shows only for unverified users
User Message/Management Shortcodes [visitor-vortex-message-box] - put on page where user lands after signing up [visitor-vortex-user-check] - additional reminder box for unverified users [visitor-vortex-user-meta] - for debugging, output a user meta table [visitor-vortex-subscriptions] - All Module User Subscription Management
What integration modules come with Visitor Vortex?
Visitor Vortex comes with integration modules for: * [Email Users 2] * [WP Infinity Responder] * [eMember] * [WP Affiliate Platform]
- [MailChimp]
- [Javelin] (previously WP Autoresponder and Newsletter)
- [Subscribe2]
What integration modules are planned?
At the moment, one for WooCommerce Affiliates. Other modules may be created depending on funding and time.
Does this work with Buddypress?
Buddypress has it's own user signup/verification process, so no, not at this stage. This will be checked into and a module for this will likely be created in the future as I want to use this on Buddypress installs myself.
Does this work with Multisite?
Yes. I have used this plugin on a few Multisite installations with no problems. Do note that full compatibility has not been tested recently and so is on the retesting list.
- converted to use new Plugin Loader class
- updated to WordQuest Helper 1.7.4
- updated to Freemus SDK 2.2.2
- fix to session message clearing
- fix to username availability checker
- add username checker form to wp-login.php
- moved all add actions alongside functions
- added filters to emails before sending
- update to deprecated widget constructor method
- Sanitize Plugin Options
- Change plugin_dir_url to plugins_url usage
- Added nonce field check for settings update
- Implement wp_get_current_user by default
- Convert to WordQuest Plugin
- Username availability checker fix
- Minor bugfixes (aint broken dont fixit)
- Added Shortcode/Input Explainer Text
- Added MailChimp Module
- Other Module Fixes/Updates
- Added Redirection Overrides
- Added Statistical Graphs
- Revamped Plugin Structure
- Revamped Module Loading
- Multiple Module Creations
- Fix to Autoverify existing user roles
- Added backwards compatibilities
- Added username availability checker
- Added username change ability
- Private Client Update Version
- Added subscription widget
- Added all subscriptions management shortcode
- Fix Wordpress User AutoLogin (damn hard)
- Fix for internal/external redirects
- Added Loggedin/Loggedout Shortcodes
- Added Verified/Unverified Shortcodes
- Added Wordpress User Creation
- Added Customizable Emails
- Simple Signup Version
- Development Version
- Upload
via the Wordpress plugin installer. - Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
- Access the Plugin Settings via the WordQuest -> Visitor Vortex menu
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