This new question input is in black on white, unfortunately it is an iframe. So styling it white on black to match the site could be a little tricky. (This is also the first test post for the WordQuest Q&A by the way. Yay! 🙂
So the answer is to copy the CSS file from /wp-content/plugins/dw-question-answer/assets/css/tinymce.css
to /wp-content/themes/theme-slug/css/tinymce.css
and add a CSS rule to it.
eg. body#tinymce{background-color: #333; color: #EEE; font-size:14px;}
…and then use the dwqa_editor_style filter in theme functions.php to point to it, eg.
function dwqa_custom_tinymce_css() {return get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/css/tinymce.css';}
although this was correct, it may not be necessary anymore as the editor is now a textarea not an iframe.
nope it’s still correct, only the visual editor is in an iframe though
it no longer matters as with D&W Pro the Markdown CSS is different yet again.
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Staff replied 9 years ago
comments incompatible with nospamnx plugin..?
Staff replied 9 years ago
correct. after much headscratching that is the case here. dang.
Staff replied 9 years ago
testing wp-spamfree instead